Monday 13 February 2012

One In Six

This photo shows the rolls from my spectacularly bad, and rather important Psycannon rolls from a 40K game I played recently. I needed 3+ 

My friend and comrade is an excellent Warhammer 40K player. In the games that he plays he rarely looses, and he often does very well in the competitions we go to, where it's not enough to just win every game, you have to win well.

He is very good strategist, however I think he'd admit that he is still learning and doesn't always play to the mission - the biggest mistake in 40k. However, without even knowing it I think he is a walking stats engine and he designs army lists that really play to W40K's threat range, 1-6. In most combat situations there are 3 dice rolls to determine the outcome, a to-hit roll, a to-wound roll and an armour save. Occasionally there is also a feel no pain roll, but it's relatively rare. Again except in extreme circumstance even the weakest attacks will score a wound on an enemy on 2 sixes and a one (for armour). This represents a very clumsy, very weak foe striking someone in terminator or equivalent armour. That's 1 in 373 odds and if you're rolling hundreds of dice, it happens. Normally however each roll has 2/3 or 1/2 chance until you get to armour, where it swings much more wildly. In small 'elite' units, changing from 2/3 to 1/2 is important but doesn't actually end up producing that many extra hits. However if you can roll 60, 80 or more dice in an assault it makes a huge difference and this is where his skill and intelligence comes in. He is really good a picking army lists that rolls lots of dice with decent odds. This generally means he runs 'horde' lists, if not horde based armies.

But the very best thing about his lists, and himself, is that they are fun to play. He doesn't swamp his lists with repeat choices, he names each HQ and champion and more often than not acts 'in character' when playing each one. His pirate Orks are hilarious and his armies always have a story behind them.

Still, he has so much painting to do! Ha. In your face!


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