While it looked like the party might take their first journey to the city of Adamas at the end of last session, the lure of gold keep them at Dwimmermount. They buried their treasure further down the slope amongst some Thulian and then set camp once again near the entrance. During the night Bittersalt was broken from her meditative trance by far off sounds and the distance glow of a fire. Reaching for her sea captain’s telescope she saw at first what she thought was a very pale man walk down the slopes of the mountain past Dwimmermount clutching a burning torch. She then realised the torch was infact a tree, and the man none other than a frost giant! He was a long way away and no exactly heading towards the party, so while this event was alarming it didn’t appear to be an immediate threat.
Once back in the dungeon the group went hunting to see if the giant rat poison Bittersalt laid out had an effect. Although the salt fish was gone, there weren’t any immediate signs of dead rats.
At this point the parties map started to prove it’s worth. They decided to try and join some sections up, and in so doing discovered some slight inaccuracies, but now have a much better overall view of the dungeon surround the entrance. They then backtracked to the corridor which had ended in the locked room with the Wight and all the glorious loot they found last session. Here they went the other way and found another door, which opened into what clearly was a chapel to Mavors. Once again it had defiled, but more importantly the Termaxians had left more Eldritch Dead to guard the chamber, and a fight with the black skeletons ensued. The party felt like they were beginning to understand their strengths and weaknesses, and relatively quickly put down these six undead. Two handed swords, wielded by strong fighters are great at doing a lot of damage.
The party search the frescoed chamber thoroughly, and discovered that the age worn altar had a mechanism that swung a secret door open behind it. With slightly more trepidation than previously displayed, the door was opened and the party discovered a small sack of treasure, including a magical scarab. Also in the secret room was the head of the statue of Mavors that they suspected was from the defiled statue in the entrance room. With great gusto they immediately set off back towards the entrance with Zoilus leading the way.
After healing the barbarian and priest as much as they could they cautiously made their way back to the entrance and set the head of Mavors back in its rightful place. They watched in awe as the cracks disappeared and the statue returned to it’s original glory. Then a glow came about them, and the each felt blessed by the god of war as a reward. This manifested as everyone getting an inspiration point.
We left it there. It was a shorter session than usual, but everyone including me had a great time and I certainly look forward to the next session.
In club news, a new roleplaying group has moved their games night to the club and since it is partially made up of old school friends and a group I played in a long time back it's doubly nice to see. Zoilus' player Ed is also going to running a Dungeon Crawl Classics game in the near future which I'm very excited about.
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